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Electrical Work

£40 per hour

Email me ( with details of your requirements and I will respond with as estimate of the time I expect the work to take. I usually need to come and visit to fully appraise the scope of the work - I do not charge for familiarisation visits.

We will agree the work to be undertaken and I will keep you informed of progress, particularly if the time taken is approaching my estimate.


PAT Testing

£2.00 per item

Tests are carried out following the Institute of Engineering and Technology Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment.

Please note that an electrical device with a fixed cable (eg a mains drill or a hair drier) is a single item, a computer workstation where power leads can be removed from equipment is a number of items all requirng individual tests (eg the PC, its mains lead, the monitor, its mains lead, the printer, its mains lead, the distribution block all the leads plug into).

Following each test a sticker is applied to the item indicating a pass or fail, a reference number and the date of the test. If a differrent rating of fuse is required or the plug needs re-wiring this will be done at no extra cost. To replace an unsafe plug is £3.00, I will quote for replacing a damaged appliance flex on a job by job basis.

A report listing all the items tested, the result of the test and recomendation for the time of the next test will be emailed on settlement of my invoice.

I aim to test and document 10 items an hour.

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